Getting Critical Care Supplies Moving at the Port

Moving rapidly and accurately through the gateways.

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The upheaval of the past year impacted many of our clients, but perhaps none more critically than our top Medical Supply client.

The need to move medical supplies safely and quickly to our medical system is nothing new, but the surge in demand has expanded at a breakneck speed. Now supplies are needed in offices and retail locations as well as in the hospitals and doctor’s offices. With the increased volume of supplies being shipped and distributed, there is still the ever present need to deliver on time and on budget – even as port congestion is surging. This combination of port traffic, limited DC yard space, and receiving modes makes this critical chain more fragile.

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To combat this fragility and to keep critical supplies flowing, we implemented a managed drayage system. A managed drayage system can address most problems at the port – though it can’t control carriers or terminals, it can provide exact information of what’s available where and when. This insight is critical to making the key decisions that will keep operations running smoothly. We leveraged this data to start getting these essential medical care supplies out of the port and on the road.

We removed inland drayage from the equation to help increase the pace of their supply chain and drive out costs. We implemented a transload alternative to save time and to avoid accruing costly detention, demurrage and per diems. The client was also able to avoid lost cube – making every delivery as efficient as possible.


The shift to a managed drayage system was successful in smoothing operations and ensuring the flow of medical care supplies continued to reach their final destinations. The shift was so successful that the client engaged us to assist in optimizing their Northeast operations as well.

We are proud of the solutions we provided this client. Knowing that the critical goods that doctors, healthcare workers, and everyday citizens depend on would be delivered in a dependable way gave us all increased peace of mind.

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